Our industry experts come from diverse backgrounds and are rich in experience. Along with my own insights from building legal tech companies, we provide a well-rounded view on everything from starting up to scaling your legal tech venture.

Stay tuned for interviews, guest posts, and more from these seasoned professionals, as they share practical advice on building successful legal tech startups. Here some of the topics we are covering:

🚀 Entrepreneurship

💰 Fundraising

🛒 Go-to-Market

🎯 Tech Adoption

📣 Messaging & Positioning

💜 Marketing

📊 Sales & Rev Ops

🤝 Partnerships

🏆 Customer Success

💻 Product Development

🚌 Business Operations

💰 Driving Value

Are we missing anything? Reach out to us.


Meg Skiff. Fractional CMO and growth marketer with over 15 years of helping early-stage companies with B2B marketing and 10 years focused on working with legal tech companies.

Ryan Steadman. CRO and revenue architecture expert with more than 20 years of experience leading large organizations as well as legal tech startups in scaling revenue growth.


Carlos Gamez|Operations

Cathy Kenton | Marketing

Mike Rosenberg | Mid Law

Jason Thomas | Large Law

Rodney Miller | Large Law

Tom Jones | Exit to Bighand

Rick Hellers| Merger

Keith Lipman | Exit to Litera

Dan Wales | Exit to Bighand

Jag Dhariwal | Exit to TR Elite

Are you an expert and want to contribute? Contact us!